When it comes to getting rid of fleas, a flea exterminator can be your savior! Getting rid of fleas is not an easy task, as these pesky little parasites can thrive anywhere in your house. So, when approaching the dreaded flea problem, we like to take a multi-model approach.
Flea Spray for House: Here’s What You Need to Know
Flea eggs and larvae can thrive on your carpets and within the cracks of your wooden floors. So, vacuuming them up isn’t going to solve the problem alone. Chemical treatment in insecticides is highly recommended for eliminating adult fleas, existing eggs, and larvae in the environment. Professional flea exterminators will often use insecticides containing both an adulticide and an insect growth regulator.
Adulticide: An adulticide is a chemical compound that explicitly targets adult fleas.
Insect Growth Regulator: Also known as IGRs, these chemical compounds often target the eggs and larval stages
Spraying for Fleas: A Word on Safety
If misused, the insecticides used to eliminate fleas can be harmful to human health. To minimize adverse reactions and risks to human health, we recommend seeking out the expertise of a professional flea exterminator. Before the is treated with a flea spray, your pest control providers may suggest the following:
- Unplug any air circulation systems.
- Put away open food, cutlery, and loose items.
- Cover or completely remove any fish tanks from the house.
- Ensure windows are left open for maximum ventilation
- After spraying the home with insecticides, do not let pets or people into the house.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in the House Forever
So, you’ve gotten rid of the fleas, and now you’re wondering—how do I get rid of fleas in the house forever? Well, the best way to eliminate fleas is to prevent them from establishing in the first place.
- Talk to your veterinarian: Fleas gain entry to your house through your pets. This is why it’s essential to talk to your veterinarian about what’s going to be the best flea treatment for your dog or cat. Flea treatment for pets comes in many forms, but the most popular and effective ones tend to be topical solutions and chews.
- Control the rodent population around your home: Just like our pets, rats and mice can harbor large burdens of fleas and ticks. So, if you have a rodent problem in your home, be it in the attic or within a crawlspace, then it’s time to call a professional pest control team to help you deal with these pesky critters.
Getting rid of rats and mice is no easy task! Talk to us today to learn more about natural rodent control in Seattle.
Fleas in House Treatment
The first thing a flea exterminator will address is the potential sources of ongoing infestations. Flea eggs are laid directly on your pet but will drop off into the surrounding environment, which can include pet bedding, couches, carpets, and more.
To reduce the environmental contamination of fleas and their pesky eggs, we recommend the following:
- Vacuum all carpet and furniture your pet could have been in contact with; these couches, rugs, and floors. Immediately dispose of the bag/canister into an outside garbage bin.
- Pet beds and laundry: Clean all pet beds, laundry, and bed covers your pet may have been in contact with.
How to Get Rid of Fleas on Humans

Fleas don’t just harm your pets! They can also harm you. Although these bugs seem too little to do much damage, it’s important to remember that they can carry harmful bacteria and parasites, which can indeed spread to humans. According to the CDC, some diseases commonly spread by fleas include:
- Flea-borne (murine) typhus: This is often associated with the rat and cat flea.
- Cat Scratch Disease: Fleas can transmit a bacteria known as Bartonella henselae to feral and domestic cats. Humans acquire the disease after being scratched by an infected cat. Children appear to be most susceptible to cat-scratch disease.
Flea Exterminator: Getting Rid of Fleas Professionally
Although it may sound easy, exterminating fleas from one’s home is truly a tedious task that can prove to be quite a challenge. Unfortunately, given the resilient nature of these critters, flea extermination isn’t considered a one-time-only kind of job. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with these pesky critters alone! If you’ve got an ongoing flea infestation or if you simply don’t have the time to get rid of the fleas in your home, then we are here to help!
We at Parker Eco Pest Control can help you deal with any flea infestation! No matter how big, small, or challenging the job, our team of professional pest control exterminators work-one-on-one with you and your family to determine the source of the fleas and the protocol needed to eliminate them.
So, talk to us today to learn more about flea control and flea spraying in Seattle.